
How Freddie Wong Went From Viral Videos to TV Shows

When YouTube was just establishing its rep as the place to get funny videos to send to your friends, Freddie Wong and his friends took the special effects knowhow they learned from film school and working on direct-to-DVD films to create shorts that blended real life and games. It wasn't long before his shorts (like "Real Life Mario Kart") were getting millions of views. And that's when Wong decided to move away from his "freddiew" YouTube channel and, with Desmond Dolly and Matt Arnold, create a production company named RocketJump. Wong then grew the operation, raising $273k on Kickstarter for a web series called Video Game High School. Season two of the show raised $808K, then season 3 raised $898K. The episodes have averaged 5.3 million views on YouTube. Now Wong and RocketJump are making a new show for Hulu that will debut in the last quarter of the year.


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